Career Development for Indviduals

At Square Peg Careers we love helping people achieve their career goals. If you’re stuck in a job going nowhere, being overlooked for promotion, getting lots of interviews but no job offers, a graduate starting out in your career, or simply not sure what your next career move should be, we can help you get your career on track.

Ask us how we can use the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) as a way to help you better understand your preferences and enable you to develop really specific career action plans, unique to you.

We are also accredited to use the brand new EQi 2.0, a fabulous tool to measure Emotional Intelligence, a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we:

  • perceive and express ourselves;
  • develop and maintain social relationships 
  • cope with challenges; and
  • use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way.